Friday, April 20, 2012

Attention League Sign up Info for League Appreciation

Since THill's post is invisible right now and we want to keep the wheels moving on these Live Broadcasts I figured I would repost it so all the leagues will be aware of this and start working on it.

Official Sign-ups! Deadline: Jan 3rd. First League LB will be on the Wed 1/12 (rehearsal for that LB will be on the 6th: Thurs before)
Due to a lack of info on these leagues, scheduling is a tad difficult. So consider this the preliminary sign-up and questionnaire. When we have all the info, we will have a better idea of what participation will be like and how to structure this "tournament of leagues".
PLEASE: Keep all arguments and trash talk to OTHER threads from here on out. I want to see completed sign-ups ONLY. Copy and paste categories below into your sign-up post and type to the right of the questions. Please check back as more questions/details may be added.
1] League NAME:
2] League CAPTAIN/s (main point of contact) GAMER TAG & FORUM ID:
3] How many fighters do you currently have in your league?:
4] Which console/s does your league play on (PS3, X360, both)?:
5] Does your league specialize in a particular weight-class?
6] Does your league specialize in a particular fight style?
7] Who are your current champs (gamer tags)?:
8] Link to your LEAGUE's SITE:
9] Link to League Hype Video:
Additional Requirements: All leagues who sign up will be asked to provide a list of participants (and alternates) and contact info (email, etc) once the events are scheduled. Alternates must be present in the Live Chat during public LBs in case of issues. If a fighter (and alternate) fail to show or get disconnected, the opponent will win that fight by DQ. Only pre-established alternates from that league will be allowed. No last minute replacements or outsiders will be eligible.
Also, any league who signs up understands that we may use data and assets (art, logos, etc) from their league site for the public LBs and that we may ask for this to be provided to us.
Additionally, all leagues must provide hype videos to represent their fights. This can range from one League Hype Vid (minimum expected) to be used in the event they are participating in and/or specific Fighter Hype Vids (maximum) to be used before any particular league rep's fight/s. This is up to the discretion of each league, but at least 1 "League Video" is required (which, like the sign-up, is due 1/3) to enter your league in this tournie. Additional hype videos will be due the Monday before a particular event they are participating in. Please see hype video guidelines in this forum. Do not use unauthorized music/assets! But feel free to showcase league logos and website info.

League Captains please reply to the original thread with your info ASAP as I'm sure THill will fix the invisible threads once he gets a chance|||do u know thill in real life stik|||thank you for the head up.|||can u guys make another tournament please every year u guys should do a tournament in every weight|||bump for the deadline approaching.
So far only the UOC and Online MMA have completely filled out the request. WEFL has their info posted and it working on the hype video.
We still need to hear from the UFF, OFC, GameBattles and WOGL. Remember guys January 3rd is the deadline for this so we have a day or so to get the info together and work out the details so we can have a rehearsal set up for the 6th.|||Just for reminder it NOT WOGL now we have change it to UFA and it a better website then before.|||

Just for reminder it NOT WOGL now we have change it to UFA and it a better website then before.

Then if the UFA is interested the deadline is still Jan 3rd|||

Just for reminder it NOT WOGL now we have change it to UFA and it a better website then before.

Looks pretty snazzy with all them stolen graphics / concepts eh?|||

Just for reminder it NOT WOGL now we have change it to UFA and it a better website then before.

Looks pretty snazzy with all them stolen graphics / concepts eh?

come on guys this isn't the thread for that. This is just a reminder for all leagues who said they wanted to compete.|||Yo i dont care about the stolen graphics / concepts. That why they made a new one and is not the same as your.|||WEFL and the UFA talk so much I would love to see who is worse.......... I truely am hyped to watch these two fight.|||

WEFL and the UFA talk so much I would love to see who is worse.......... I truely am hyped to watch these two fight.

Even the biggest joke of a "league" ever, UFA is doing a whole lot better then OMMA .. so chill out with your "who is worse" talk, lol.|||It takes a true league to think they are tough. Only children care who stole what from whom.|||First off come on guys... This isn't about anything other than sign ups. You all have your own personal forums to debate who stole what and who has the bigger e-peen. Please take it else where.
Second only 2 leagues have fully completed the request form. The UOC and Online MMA. UFF and WEFL still need to get their hype video posted. And we still haven't seen anything from the UFA. Remember the deadline is Monday so please leagues get on top of this.|||

First off come on guys... This isn't about anything other than sign ups. You all have your own personal forums to debate who stole what and who has the bigger e-peen. Please take it else where.
Second only 2 leagues have fully completed the request form. The UOC and Online MMA. UFF and WEFL still need to get their hype video posted. And we still haven't seen anything from the UFA. Remember the deadline is Monday so please leagues get on top of this.

I agree but its the WEFL guy who keeps coming into threads and dis'n other leagues. Shows what type of ppl run it. A bunch of self centered kids who think its cool to say "my league is better than yours" lol Its a fictational league created strictly for fun dude. You're not real fighters and your league is not a real org and means nothing to the rest of the world outside the ppl who play this game so stfu with the nonsense.

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